Author: Ali Hashir
What is object-oriented programming in Java?
As referred to by the name, objects are used as primary sources, or hints, of what is about to happen in the code. Here, we will be studying object-oriented programming in Java. Polymorphism, Data Binding, Inheritance, etc. are some concepts done by a paradigm of Object Oriented Programming. The use of OOP is to bind…
A simple explanation of Java Methods/functions
Generally speaking, a method is a way to carry out a task. Similar to something like this, a Java method is a sequence of instructions that fulfills a particular mission. It provides the opportunity for code to be still used. Using methods, we can change code. The definition of Java Methods/functions, the various types of…
Simple explanation of Java Arrays
You must have always wondered about how a menu is created or how values or elements are added to a list or menu. The Java Arrays come in handy in these types of situations. If you are a maths student you must have studied in your junior classes about Sets (set A {1,2,3}) arrays that…
Simple Explanation of Java Loops
If we need to execute a program twice we don’t feel anything wrong with writing the same code twice, but what if we have to run the code more than 10 times or infinite times? It will be a tough call to write that code n number of times and it will make the code…
Things you don’t know about the Java Switch statement
Using various circumstances, the Java switch statement executes a single expression. It is similar to an if-else-if expression. The byte, short, int, long, enum types, string, and wrapper types like Byte, Short, Int, and Long are all compatible with the switch statement. Since Java 7, the switch statement supports Strings. What is a Java Switch…
Understanding Java Conditional Statement with Flowcharts
Up until now, our programmes have been linear. In other words, there were no significant surprises or conditional behavior during the course of the programmes’ execution. But most of the time we wish to incorporate conditional logic into our applications. By this, we imply functionality that depends in some manner on the state of the…
Understanding Java Math Class And its different methods
You can’t learn Java without mathematics. It haunts you everywhere but if you want to learn to program then you must understand Java Maths Class. The Java Math class is useful to perform mathematical problems like min(), max(), sin(), cos(), tan(), abs() etc. Numerous methods in the Java Math class enable you to apply mathematics…
Understanding Java String methods with examples
Representing the sequence of char values is done by an object named “Strings”. This object is used to print alphabetical characters. Java string methods can perform various kinds of operations such as substring, compare, concat, equals, split, length, replace, compareTo, intern, etc. The Serializable, Comparable, and CharSequence interfaces are implemented by the java.lang.String class. What…
Simple explanation of Java Operators
Operators might be helpful for you to know ahead of time which operators have the highest precedence when we investigate the Java operators. Using variables and values operations are performed in Java with Operators. It might be helpful for you to know ahead of time which operators have the highest precedence when we study the…
Learn about Java Datatypes and how we use them
A data type (or Java datatypes) is a category of potential values and a set of permitted actions in computer science and computer programming. The compiler or interpreter can identify the data types on how the programmer intends to use them. Most programming languages allow the fundamental data types of characters, Booleans, floating-point numbers, and…