Author: Aaquib Ahmed
Easy Explanation of Linked list Data Structure in JavaScript
So we have arrived now at our next stop in the series of “Understanding Data Structure and Algorithms with JavaScript 🚀”, which is Linked List data structure in javascript. The linked list is one of the important founding blocks of data structure on which another data structure like a tree or graph is made. In…
What is so special about Unreal Engine?
Recently we saw the launch of a new and much-anticipated version of Unreal Engine 5, which has taken the gaming world by storm, and fans have never been so excited before. They showcased a game concept based on the Matrix movie and you really can’t differentiate between the real scene and computer graphics. This really…
How to make money through coding as a teenager?
Gone are the days when you had to be a degree holder or an adult to earn money. In this digital era, earning money through the internet has made it so accessible and easy for anyone that having just a phone and internet can help you land a good amount of money. In this blog,…
How JavaScript works with HTML you might not know
We all know in order to make an interactive website, the 3 main ingredients, we use are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But do we actually know how JavaScript works with HTML behind the scene? Do we really understand how HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, all blend and work together, to create websites? In this blog, we…
How Artificial Intelligence can help in Agriculture?
Agriculture and Farming are some of the most important occupations which humans are doing for centuries. It is the main occupation for many countries, and as the human population increases our need for sufficient food supply will also increase, which will directly put pressure on the land thus resulting in more deforestation. As we have…
Simple tutorial on React authentication with redux + Example
In a multiple-page application, there are a number of public pages where any user can visit them and there are a few private pages with some sensitive data, where only a certain kind of user who has rights and credentials can visit those pages. This type of distinction in users is achieved by adding authentication…
5 Amazing cmd tricks to impress your friends
Do you have good computer knowledge and want to flex around your peers by showing amazing and funny computer cmd tricks to dazzle them and look smart around them? Gone are the days where impressing friends or peers used to be done by showing off expensive cars, bikes, clothes, shoes, or flashy gadgets. As the…
Easy tutorial to build React Autosuggest from scratch
React Autosuggest or autocomplete component is one of the fundamentally essential UI features which not only enhance your user experience but also provide a simple solution to filter out the exact result that the user is looking for. It is a feature that suggests words or phrases which the User is searching for, from a…
Simple steps to Increase your Website’s Web Performance
Who doesn’t like speed? Get instant answers with one click!! As we advance to the modern era speed is becoming a huge factor in almost every walk of life. Everyone wants to get their order instantly, pay their bills with one quick scan, or transfer their data in few seconds. So in this world where…
Simple Explanation on Sorting Algorithms with JavaScript | Part 1
Our next stop in the series of “Understanding Data Structure and Algorithms with JavaScript 🚀” is Sorting Algorithms. The sorting process is a very important fundamental concept in the computer science branch. Sorting Algorithms helps in arranging the given data either in ascending or descending order. I am going to divide this blog into two parts…