Category: JavaScript

  • An Easy Explanation of JavaScript Closure

    An Easy Explanation of JavaScript Closure

    One of the most compulsive and fascinating topics in javaScript is Closure. It is also one of the most confused and struggled principles in JavaScript. It is a very frequently asked topic in interviews because in order to understand javascript closure, one should have good knowledge about hoisting, scope, and lexical scoping. So lets us…

  • JavaScript Functions | How does Function works in Js {Detail Explanation}

    JavaScript Functions | How does Function works in Js {Detail Explanation}

    The functional programming approach has gained massive popularity in recent times, especially in JavaScript programmers as JavaScript provides vast numbers of javascript functions, to perform the various methods. Using a functional approach can be very handy to the programmer due to the fact that it not only helps in keeping code structure simple and easy…

  • Difference between var vs let vs const in JavaScript | TDZ

    Difference between var vs let vs const in JavaScript | TDZ

    In JavaScript, before we used to declare any variable, no matter the type, with the var keyword. With the ES2016 update, It brought a lot of new major features like spread Operator, arrow function, destructuring. This update also introduced two new keywords, to assigning the variables, let and const. Thus raised many questions like, what…

  • How does JavaScript works ? A detail explanation of JavaScript’s Engine Working

    How does JavaScript works ? A detail explanation of JavaScript’s Engine Working

    Hate it or love it, JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages today. According to Developer Survey Results 2019, JavaScript came out as the programmer’s first choice among all the programming languages. You can easily figure it out by knowing that there are over 800,000 packages on npm, most of them available for open…