Author: Aaquib Ahmed
Easy tutorial to build React Autosuggest from scratch
React Autosuggest or autocomplete component is one of the fundamentally essential UI features which not only enhance your user experience but also provide a simple solution to filter out the exact result that the user is looking for. It is a feature that suggests words or phrases which the User is searching for, from a…
Simple steps to Increase your Website’s Web Performance
Who doesn’t like speed? Get instant answers with one click!! As we advance to the modern era speed is becoming a huge factor in almost every walk of life. Everyone wants to get their order instantly, pay their bills with one quick scan, or transfer their data in few seconds. So in this world where…
Simple Explanation on Sorting Algorithms with JavaScript | Part 1
Our next stop in the series of “Understanding Data Structure and Algorithms with JavaScript 🚀” is Sorting Algorithms. The sorting process is a very important fundamental concept in the computer science branch. Sorting Algorithms helps in arranging the given data either in ascending or descending order. I am going to divide this blog into two parts…
Simple Explanation on Searching Algorithms with JavaScript
Our next stop in the series of “Understanding Data Structure and Algorithms with JavaScript 🚀” is Searching Algorithms with JavaScript. Searching Algorithms is one of the important fundamental functions in computer science. Searching Algorithms help to find a particular element/data which is present in the data stack or not, where the data stack may be…
Understanding Array, String, and Object Data Structure with JavaScript
Our first stop in our blog series on “Understanding Data Structure and algorithm with JavaScript 🚀” is Array, String, and Object manipulation. To grasp the good hold in Data structure using JavaScript, these are the major three topics that serve as the most important basic components which build the base in learning and understanding any…
How to add/remove input fields dynamically with Reactjs
Building form components have never been so complicated and complex as before. In React, creating complex UI components is very easy but some components may get very tricky and challenging. One has to wrap his head around and think out of the box to get the solution which not only solves the problem but also…
What is Big O Notation – Space and Time Complexity
Big O Notation is one of the most important topics for a developer to understand in order to become a good programmer. Let us understand in this way that, you and your developer friend designed two different algorithms to solve a particular problem. Both algorithms are not only different in naming variables but have significantly…
How to record the screen to gif? (Complete Guide)
GIF has become one of the most popular ways of sharing emotions, ideas, or any reference about certain situations on most social media platforms. It is neither a video nor simple image, but you can say it is a combination of both, moreover, it is less space-consuming. As seeing the popularity, sometimes you may also…
What is JavaScript Event Loop?
JavaScript Event Loop is one of the most important characteristics through which you can understand the basic work process of JavaScript. It is due to the Event loop through which asynchronous operations are possible. But you may ask as Javascript is a single-threaded language, then how it can perform asynchronous functions? It is due to…
Top 5 AMD Gaming Laptops under 60k
Are you looking for a good gaming laptop with great performance and built quality but under the budget? Gone are the days, when you need to pay a huge chunk of money to play all high-end games with high refresh rates. Here is the list of some best AMD Gaming Laptops which yield high performance…