Agriculture and Farming are some of the most important occupations which humans are doing for centuries. It is the main occupation for many countries, and as the human population increases our need for sufficient food supply will also increase, which will directly put pressure on the land thus resulting in more deforestation. As we have arrived in the technology area, Agriculture space has also been influenced by it, a lot of new technique and well-equipped equipment has been used to increase the production of food and lessen the labor force in it. It is important to understand how artificial intelligence can help in agriculture.
As a result, Artificial Intelligence usage has been steadily growing to increase the food supply, making it more profitable, efficient, and time-saving. With help of AI, farmers could now track the best time or soil for their crops, when to harvest and how to utilize waste products in an efficient way.
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Top 5 ways how Artificial Intelligence can help in Agriculture
In this blog, I would be discussing some current technologies and artificial intelligence which are being employed in agriculture industries.
Using AI for Predictive Analysis for Harvestation
To have successful harvesting or failed harvesting year simply depends on the time period during which the seed was sowed. With the help of a predictive data tool analysis, we can input enough to find the best time period in which seed can be sowed. We can also even calculate the health of the soil, the type of fertilizer that would be best for usage, and a week of weather forecast so that farmers can maximize their profit.

Plantix a Berlin-based startup has created a crop advisory app for farmers and gardeners, which uses images of the plant to detect any early infestation sign, recommends a correct method to eradicate it, and also diagnoses particular diseases if detected. Farmers just have to take pictures of their crops and upload them to the app, where it matches it to the server, and with the help of Artificial Intelligence and predictive analysis, it helps to analyze any present pest damage, or nutrient deficiencies and then offer corresponding treatment measure for the plant.
Weather Forecastating importance in agriculture
Weather conditions put a significant impact on agriculture, plants need a certain amount of moisture, temperature, and sunlight to thrive and grow. Detail and accurate weather forecasting can help farmers to decide and plan some strategy to choose the correct method for plantation, types of seed for sowing, and maximize their profit margin.

Weather forecasting also helps farmers to determine which type of fertilizer and the best time for fertilization can be used on their field, because excessive rain might wash away all the fertilizers. It also gives farmers huge advantages because now they have accurate detail about the weather which might be coming in a few days so they can be prepared be for any circumstances.
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Pervasive Automation in Farming
Pervasive automation is a technology employed by farmers to reduce the workload and increase the production of food. With the help of IoT, communication devices, sensors, and machine learning, now farmers can use a number of robots to get precise data so that they can manage their files without doing much manual labor.
IoT devices can be used to manage the water usage, climate condition inside the greenhouse, soil and humidity information, and combine all these data to present and predict the quality and time of their harvesting. They can now able to efficiently manage their labor and goods resources and protect the soil’s fertility at the same time. They can get time to time reports of their expenditure, water usage, electricity consumption, which in the end results in his business growth.
Satellite Imaging
As satellite imaging becomes more reliable and sophisticated, farmers can track their real-time crop conditions, study soil properties, harvest prediction, and most important land usage. One of the biggest advantages of monitoring your crops allows you to track and study all the positive and negative development of your crops, using high-resolution images provided by satellite Imaging.

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Precision Farming
Precision Farming is a process in which farmers efficiently use their raw materials like soil, water, seeds, and fertilizers to increase their average yields when compared to the traditional cultivation process. A common farmer always has to make sure of certain criteria when it comes to farming, where he has to take care of his small fields, provide enough water, have healthy soil fertility, and increase its profitability, all at the same time.
With the help of soil and water sensors installed in the fields, not only he can track records of usage but also use the data to reduce its expense with the help of artificial intelligence and machine learning. These sensors can give him precision reading of how much his water or fertilizers are being used, and then wi the help of data AI will be able to predict and control the usage of them and help in increasing his profit.
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