Category: React
Create React App with TypeScript: The Quick ⚡️ Start Guide
In modern web development, building a robust, maintainable, reliable, and bug-free application has become super important. Typescript, a superset of JavaScript, has gained popularity for its ability to catch bugs in the early development phase rather than runtime. With explicit types, codes become easy to understand and refactor. In this article, we will learn how…
Easy Tutorial to Create a StopWatch in React
React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, and one of its many advantages is its ability to create interactive and dynamic components. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of creating a stopwatch in React. Whether a beginner or an experienced developer, this tutorial will provide you with…
Build your own OTP verification UI using React, Formik & TypeScript
OTP (One-Time Password) verification plays a crucial role in ensuring the security and integrity of online transactions, user registrations, and data privacy. Implementing OTP input functionality correctly is essential to provide a seamless and reliable user experience. In this tutorial, we will explore how to create your own OTP verification UI using React, Formik, and…
How to connect Frontend and Backend in React js
Connect Frontend and Backend in React to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces. React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, relies on the backend to manage data and handle business logic. To integrate the two, you need to understand technologies like RESTful APIs, AJAX, and state management. In this article, we will explore…
Add Redux to your React app in 6 Simple Steps
Redux is one of the most popular state-maintaining libraries for React Applications. Redux allows you to manage and update the application’s data state within one place and later share it with different components. In other words, when you add Redux to your React app, It loads, saves, and tracks the changes of application data in…
Simple tutorial on React authentication with redux + Example
In a multiple-page application, there are a number of public pages where any user can visit them and there are a few private pages with some sensitive data, where only a certain kind of user who has rights and credentials can visit those pages. This type of distinction in users is achieved by adding authentication…
Easy tutorial to build React Autosuggest from scratch
React Autosuggest or autocomplete component is one of the fundamentally essential UI features which not only enhance your user experience but also provide a simple solution to filter out the exact result that the user is looking for. It is a feature that suggests words or phrases which the User is searching for, from a…
How to add/remove input fields dynamically with Reactjs
Building form components have never been so complicated and complex as before. In React, creating complex UI components is very easy but some components may get very tricky and challenging. One has to wrap his head around and think out of the box to get the solution which not only solves the problem but also…
A simple React Hook Form Validation with Formik and Yup
A Form is a very important component of any webpage. It allows developers to make the users directly input their data for various fields ranging from the login page to even a simple quiz test. It is just the replication of a simple form which you fill on paper into digital format with various fields,…
React Lifecycle Methods | Detail Explanation with Diagram
In React Js every component goes through a series of events, from its mounting on the node to its unmounting from the node, this is basically known as react lifecycle methods. If you sometimes get overwhelmed in understanding the working of the lifecycle method, then you are not alone!! When I started learning React Js,…