Category: Coding

  • How to make money through coding as a teenager?

    How to make money through coding as a teenager?

    Gone are the days when you had to be a degree holder or an adult to earn money. In this digital era, earning money through the internet has made it so accessible and easy for anyone that having just a phone and internet can help you land a good amount of money. In this blog,…

  • 5 Amazing cmd tricks to impress your friends

    5 Amazing cmd tricks to impress your friends

    Do you have good computer knowledge and want to flex around your peers by showing amazing and funny computer cmd tricks to dazzle them and look smart around them? Gone are the days where impressing friends or peers used to be done by showing off expensive cars, bikes, clothes, shoes, or flashy gadgets. As the…

  • Simple steps to Increase your Website’s Web Performance

    Simple steps to Increase your Website’s Web Performance

    Who doesn’t like speed? Get instant answers with one click!! As we advance to the modern era speed is becoming a huge factor in almost every walk of life. Everyone wants to get their order instantly, pay their bills with one quick scan, or transfer their data in few seconds. So in this world where…

  • Programming Languages used at FAANG/ FAAMG

    Programming Languages used at FAANG/ FAAMG

    Almost every software engineer wants to get a job at the FAANG or FAAMG. Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Microsoft, and Google are some of the dream companies for software engineers. You must have wondered sometimes about which languages you should learn to get a job in these Tech Giants. Which programming languages the FAANG companies…