Author: Aaquib Ahmed
Simple Explanation on BFS and DFS Graph Traversal Methods
Graph Traversal is one of the most important topics in the Graph series. It is also one of the most popular interview questions one might expect, because of the ton of real-world applications there are! As discussed in the last blog, we understood different methods of adding and removing edges and vertex. In this blog…
Basic operations in Graph Data structure
Graphs are non-linear data structures consisting of a finite set of nodes and edges. In our last blog, we studied and understood what really is a Graph data structure, its importance, and its application. This blog will teach different operations associated with the Graph data structure, like adding vertex or edge and removing vertex or…
How to debug JavaScript in browser?
Do you use console.log to find and fix the issue in your javascript code? Then you might spend a lot of time consoling each value at every stage to debug. But what if I tell you that there is a powerful in-house debugger in your browser that you can use to debug Javascript in browser…
Introduction to Graph Data Structure
So we have arrived now at our next stop in the series of “Understanding Data Structure and Algorithms with JavaScript 🚀”, which is the Graph data structure. Like the Tree data structure, the graph data structure is also a non-linear structure consisting of nodes and edges. You can imagine it as a pictorial presentation of an…
Simple Explanation of Sorting Algorithms with JavaScript | Part 2
This is the second part of the Sorting Algorithms with Javascript from the “Understanding Data Structure and Algorithms with JavaScript ” series. In this blog, we will discuss two significant sorting algorithms known as Merge and Quick Sorting algorithms. We will also discuss its Working, Implementation with Javascript, Illustration, and the time complexity of each…
Simple Explanation of Tree traversal Operations with JavaScript
Tree traversal and deletion operations are trivial and very important methods that every developer should know. Unlike Array, String, or Linked List, where traversing through each element is simple and logical way due to the linear structure in trees, traversing through each element is a little different due to its non-linear structure. In this blog,…
Understanding Binary Search Trees with Js
A binary Search Tree is one of the most popular and essential Tree Data structures. It is not only important from an Interview standpoint but their application and performance during insertion, searching, and adding new elements is also very significant. In this blog, we will be able to understand the Binary search tree, its importance,…
Introduction to Tree Data Structure
So we have arrived now at our next stop in the series of “Understanding Data Structure and Algorithms with JavaScript 🚀”, which is the Tree data structure. Unlike data structures, like an array, stack, LinkedList, or queues which stores data in a linear way, a tree data structure stores data non-linear way. In a Tree, data…
Implement Pixel Art grid using HTML, CSS and JavaScript | The DOM Challenge
This is the second challenge from The DOM Challenge series created by Sunny Puri (SDE2 at Swiggy) and Sadanand Pai (SDE2 at CoinDCX) to inspire and motivate developers to get more proficient in DOM manipulation and learn JavaScript applications. Challenge 2: Pixel Art Grid This is the second challenge from The DOM Challenge series, creating a…
How Drone Delivery Works
As technology is advancing, our way of living life is also changing continuously. Gone are the days when one has to jostle around to go to a big marketplace, surf around for your grocery, furniture, or food, buy it and then bring it home. In this today’s modern age world, we now have the ability…